FNC News


Landowner News - Farmers Keeping Quicker Planting Pace Than Previous Year

By Andy Hubert, AFM, Area Vice President - South Central Region

With approximately two million acres under management, Farmers National Company (FNC) and its local farm managers are closely monitoring the planting progress unfolding across the U.S.

With farmers in the fields, planters are running earlier than usual thanks to the warmer than normal spring weather. In the southern part of the U.S., crops have been in the ground for some time, and many have emerged and are growing rapidly. The far northern areas of the country are still waiting for ground temperatures to meet minimums acceptable for planting. In the heart of the Corn Belt, planting is in full swing only to be slowed down by occasional rain events.

As of April 28, corn planting progress across the U.S. stood at 27% complete ahead of the 5-year average of 22%. National soybean planting is 18% complete, which is much further along than the 5-year average of 10%.

After the widespread drought experienced in 2023, many areas across the country have been receiving much-needed precipitation. There are still areas that are dry and need moisture, but overall, we are trending wetter. There are many weeks between now and harvest, and we will need many more rain events to produce a crop, but so far, we are off to a good start.

Anyone interested in discovering how Farmers National Company can help them manage their farm can contact us.

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