Brokerage Services

Brokerage Services

Farm and Ranch Management


  • Analyze your lease options and recommend a specific lease type. Negotiate and prepare a written lease each year for your security.

  • We work with your current operator or locate, screen, and secure a new local farm operator, if one is needed.

  • Prepare an annual farm plan and budget to control expenses for your approval.

  • Analyze whether or not you should participate in any government programs and handle the necessary paperwork. We then work to keep you in compliance.

  • Prepare a complete commodity marketing plan for your farm to increase your profits. (Our full-time grain marketing specialist's goal is to sell in the top one-third of the market and avoid the bottom one-third of the market where 75% of the grain grown in the US is currently sold. We have a proven track record.)

  • Send you concise reports of our regular farm inspections to keep you informed and provide you peace of mind that your farm is being operated consistent with your objectives.

  • Approve and pay all bills and collect and account all income. Provide you with an interest bearing farm account for the payment of bills and the collection of income. Provide monthly accounting statements and a year-end summary for use in tax preparation and for your peace of mind.

  • Take advantage of all quantity discounts and early payment discounts to save you money.

  • Handle any special projects on your farm such as conservation work, tiling, irrigation, improvements, etc.

  • Home office support from financial to compliance services.

Farm and Ranch Management



  • Analyze your lease options and recommend a specific lease type. Negotiate and prepare a written lease each year for your security.

  • We work with your current operator or locate, screen, and secure a new local farm operator, if one is needed.

  • Prepare an annual farm plan and budget to control expenses for your approval.

  • Analyze whether or not you should participate in any government programs and handle the necessary paperwork. We then work to keep you in compliance.

  • Prepare a complete commodity marketing plan for your farm to increase your profits. (Our full-time grain marketing specialist's goal is to sell in the top one-third of the market and avoid the bottom one-third of the market where 75% of the grain grown in the US is currently sold. We have a proven track record.)

  • Send you concise reports of our regular farm inspections to keep you informed and provide you peace of mind that your farm is being operated consistent with your objectives.

  • Approve and pay all bills and collect and account all income. Provide you with an interest bearing farm account for the payment of bills and the collection of income. Provide monthly accounting statements and a year-end summary for use in tax preparation and for your peace of mind.

  • Take advantage of all quantity discounts and early payment discounts to save you money.

  • Handle any special projects on your farm such as conservation work, tiling, irrigation, improvements, etc.

  • Home office support from financial to compliance services.