Commercial Agriculture
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Commercial Agriculture

In the past years what was once a family owned farming business has developed into large scale commercial agricultural. Dairy farms now are regulated CAFO’s and have thousands of head of cows. Poultry operations now house millions of birds. Hog facilities now have multiple barns from nurseries to finish. There are also feed mills, seed processing, large scale grain facilities, fertilizer storage, feed lots, sale barns, food processing, green houses, orchards and cold storage facilities just to mention a few. All the appraisers at Farmers National Company hold a Certified General Appraisal license which allows them to appraise all types for properties from vacant land to these complex commercial agricultural sites.
Commercial Agriculture
In the past years what was once a family owned farming business has developed into large scale commercial agricultural. Dairy farms now are regulated CAFO’s and have thousands of head of cows. Poultry operations now house millions of birds. Hog facilities now have multiple barns from nurseries to finish. There are also feed mills, seed processing, large scale grain facilities, fertilizer storage, feed lots, sale barns, food processing, green houses, orchards and cold storage facilities just to mention a few. All the appraisers at Farmers National Company hold a Certified General Appraisal license which allows them to appraise all types for properties from vacant land to these complex commercial agricultural sites.